Innovate and modernize your applications for business growth

Deliver immersive customer experiences

Lumen is a certified partner to the major hyperscalers and cloud technology providers. Our Cloud Application Services help enterprises prioritize and accelerate their digital transformation, and ensure platforms and technologies costs are aligned with business growth objectives.

Businessman holding a tablet with different icons on virtual screen


Application Innovation

Create agile next-gen applications to meet your rapidly evolving business requirements.

Application Innovation

Create agile next-gen applications to meet your rapidly evolving business requirements.

Application Modernization

Modernize legacy systems and applications to improve agility and efficiencies.

Application Modernization

Modernize legacy systems and applications to improve agility and efficiencies.

SAP Transformation

Transform to SAP S/4HANA and Cloud Solutions to enable your business to grow.

SAP Transformation

Transform to SAP S/4HANA and Cloud Solutions to enable your business to grow.

Lumen cloud application services capabilities diagram


  • User experience & interaction design
  • Touchless UI (voice / pictures / video/ gesture)
  • Mobile first approach / device agnostic UX

  • Data governance & management
  • Data discovery & transformation
  • Data visualization
  • BigData services
  • Decision science (predictive analytics, neural networks)

  • DevOps: CI/CD pipelines
  • Containerization & micro-services
  • Automation & Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC)
  • App Dev (web/mobile) & testing
  • PaaS – DB/RDS modernization
  • Assessment & migration

  • Application maintenance
  • Enterprise resource planning (SAP)
  • Quality assurance / testing
  • Automation (RPA, AI-ML, chatbots)


Contact a Cloud Application Services specialist